Friday, April 13, 2012


by Marion Maxson
April 2012
Lagom Landing

Sun-bright the day,
Cool the March breeze,
I walk to the woods again,
out past the chickens, gathered,
awaiting our scraps...
We, awaiting their daily eggs-gifts.
Out past the workers, stooping,
turning the earth
planting apple trees, awaiting 
the day, in years
when nourishing fruit falls.
Out past the workers, pounding, sawing,
converting the old barn into classrooms
awaiting the day, in months
when students will come.
Out past the stoney place 
to the path through the trees
to the wet place
where trout lily leaves
all spotted in the sun
await their pointy yellow
Maybe next week
if the sun is warm.
Out along the mown path
to where the pines 
whisper in the wind.
Here I find a sacred spot 
under one lone tree.
Soft needles on the ground 
await my coming again
on a warmer day
bringing blanket and lunch.
We wait,
yet already filled
we seek sacred spaces
for today,
for the future.
Awaiting the bets time
Awaiting the coming of God.

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