Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Wow! Only Wednesday, and we've had a lot happen!
Saturday, the Geneseo Central Presbyterian Youth came and helped us move a lot of lumber, plus build the first foundation wall. We are so grateful for their generous and joyful spirits, which really helped Rock after cutting boards all day. We shared a pot of chili and some laughs afterward.

Monday, we continued to be overwhelmed by the outpouring of community spirit. Twelve friends from presbytery, skiing, and Board connections came and helped us raise the foundation walls. All but one wall were raised in one day!!!

Tuesday, Rock, Jake, and Sean raised the final wall, and put up the floor joists for the first floor.

Wednesday (today), I helped out as well, and we got the first floor nailed and glued down, and most of the first floor walls built and up! It is incredible to see this dream taking shape. We pray deep prayers of gratitude each morning and evening, and are filled with excitement to feel, so directly, the place where we hope young people will come alive to who God has made them to be.

We are grateful!

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