Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayer Update #3

May 31, 2010

Good people, most Royal greening verdancy, Rooted in the sun
You shine with radiant light.
In this circle of earthly existence, you shine so finely, it surpasses understanding.
God hugs you.
You are encircled by the arms of the mystery of God.
“Encircled”, by Hildegaard of Bingen

These words hang on our fridge, and have come so alive to me in the past few weeks. It is high spring. May, in all its glory, does indeed “shine so finely.” Biking on the country roads around our home, we plunge into tunnels of “most Royal greening verdancy”, truly “encircled by the arms of the mystery of God.”

The beauty and wonder of this experience is beyond words. It does “surpass understanding” and I find the words of of Bob Marley echoing around my insides: “Thank you Lord, for what you've done for me. Thank you Lord, for what you're doing now. Thank you Lord, for every little thing.”

So in this spirit of rejoicing and gratitude, Laurel and I greet you from Lägom Landing, encouraging you to find that place where “you are rooted in the sun”, and humbly remembering your own brilliance. That you are a totally unique, created wonder, “shining with radiant light in this circle of earthly existence.”

How often we forget and how difficult it is for us to rejoice in ourselves—the incredible gift of being brought forth into this universe. “Life on Life's Terms” can beat the wonder right out of us. We may have the capacity to appreciate the unique gifts and personalities of others, but can we extend that appreciation toward ourselves? Can we grasp the truth that we “shine so finely”, that “God hugs us”?

10,000 Maniacs sing it well in “These Days”:
“These are days you'll remember, when May is rushing over you . . . to be part of the miracles you see in every hour—you'll know it's true, that you, are blessed . . . you'll know that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom . . .”

Yes! May is calling us to grow and bloom and Lägom Landing continues to sprout new growth. Raised bed gardens have been built, 10 yards of new topsoil and manure added and planted with a few of the seedlings that we've been raising in our window, plus some store-bought plants, and some hardy seeds stuck into the ground directly. We've been blessed with a warm spring and great planting weather. Flower beds surround our little blue house, and the yard is coming into shape; all remind us that we are but caretakers of this gift. That ultimately ownership is an illusion. It is all Gift. We have an acute awareness that only through grace and resurrection power can Lägom Landing sprout, grow, blossom, bloom, and bear fruit. “No branch can bear fruit by itself but only if it stays joined to the vine . . . I am the vine and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me then you will produce lots of fruit.”

The business plan for Lägom Landing continues to take shape. We are grateful for the counsel of our local Small Business Development Center, which has helped us immensely in putting onto paper the nuts and bolts that will help our vision come alive. This is a very specific answer to our prayers in the first prayer letter-- Lägom Landing is looking less and less like trees walking!

The Board is still in the process of being formed and we ask for your continued prayers in this area. We also ask for guidance, creativity, and wisdom as we begin to look at how we will market the unique opportunity that Lägom Landing offers young people.

I close in deep thanksgiving. For May, for the gift of life, this place, this opportunity, for my wild and wonder-filled partner Laurel Dee, and for you, my friends and family. You are all the hands and face of God to Laurel and me. Thanks.



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