Monday, April 19, 2010

Prayer Update, #2

Lägom Landing
Prayer Update, #2
April 18, 2010

The skis have been stored away in the shed. We have said goodbye to a wild wonder-filled winter. A new season is upon us. Spiring is bustin' out all over.
Forsythia speak to us in golden glory. The fragile spring blossoms say change is in the air. Biking the beautiful country roads, all the senses are engaged--the fresh smells of spring, buds on trees waiting to pop, birds singing expectantly. All witness to me of life that cannot be contained. Resurrection energy is at work and play in all of creation.
Laurel and I sense this power working within us. The Spirit is gently leading us to let go of the old and safe and open up to something wild and new. It is a time of getting ready, of preparing heart and body and spirit for a brand new thing.
Part of this process for Laurel is running. Clarity, connection, and life flow in as she runs. She has signed up to run the New York City Marathon in November, and will train with the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation benefit team. She has a new comprehension of Paul's words to the Philippians: “Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what lies ahead, I press on toward the finish line of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
As we “press on” together in launching Lägom Landing, we ask for your prayerful support in this time of getting ready. With strain comes new strength and freedom. Pray for the willingness to be stretched, to seek a power greater than ourselves, to be formed into healthy channels of the BIG Place to a planet in desperate need.
We seek wisdom as a board is formed for Lägom Landing. We ask for prayer that the Spirit would guide this process, that those who would say yes would respond out of a creative call. And as we continue the application process for nonprofit incorporation, we need to be patient.
It's hard to put it any better than The Hothouse Flowers in their song “One Tongue” (we encourage downloading it!):

Give us the strength to look straight at you.
Let doubt be the furthest from our minds...
That we can be here, and know that we should be here,
and we can see the light inside.
As it gets more complicated,
simplicity must arise,
so we can follow in this feeling, and we can keep this song alive. . .
Yes, there are many many questions.
Yes, there is red tape all around.
The simple truth can cut through anything . . .
Talking “one tongue.”

We experience that “simple truth” in the beauty of this place. Pruning back overgrown shrubs and trees is a therapeutic way of “cutting through” the complications of red tape. Starting seedlings, clearing land, planting the gardens, brings hope in a tangible way.
We know there is much to do, but we have faith in the Risen One, who brings forth the springtime and who empowers us in this adventure. We are grateful for uplifting visits from friends and invite you to come and see this good place for yourself!
In the one tongue singing, “Christ is risen”, we send love to all,

Rock and Laurel

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