Sunday, March 7, 2010

Prayer Update, #1

This morning, skiing through snow-sparkled wonder of the forests and fields of our land, the name of our property, “Lägom Landing”, came alive. “Lägom” is a Swedish word that has no direct English equivalent. The closest parallel might be “Enough; just the right amount.”
Surrounded by beauty, I entered into that spirit of “enough”, aware that it is gift, grace, not something that we can generate within ourselves. Out of this spirit, “The Dream” of a place where young adults might get in touch with the BIG PLACE was born, a space where they might have time to explore some of the bigger questions of life, vocation, and identity.
Laurel and I have moved on to 60 beautiful acres in rural western New York. The vision of Lägom Landing is beginning to emerge, and many have asked how they can be praying for us. Right now we're much like the blind man in Mark 8 who Jesus had to touch a couple of times. “I can see people but they look like trees walking.” Lägom Landing looks right now like trees walking, but we have faith that the picture will be brought into focus as more is revealed to us.
We hope to open up officially in September of 2011. In order to make that deadline, we hope to finish our business plan by mid-summer, 2010, apply for non-profit status, begin recruiting in the fall of 2010, as well as break ground on our home and the center for the project, which will be adjacent to the double-wide trailor we are currently living in.
It's all a bit daunting, and we, in ourselves, know that we are not enough. Only by grace working through the gestalt of community will Lägom Landing become a reality. So in our inability, in our inadequacy, we come to you, our friends and family, acknowledging our need for prayer and help.
At this time, we ask for prayer that the Spirit would connect us to the right people as the practical model of Lägom Landing is being built. That our energies would be directed wisely in this unstructured time. We ask for guidance in sharing this dream that has been on our hearts since we first experienced the gift we found in each other. “This love is a lot bigger than Rock and Laurel,” Rev. Tom Taylor shared at our wedding, and he is so right.
As this love grows into the community needed to support this adventure, search your hearts, feel where you are called to life. Rejoice in “Lägom” in your own life, and to paraphrase our man Neil Young, “Keep on prayin' in the free world!”
Rock and Laurel

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are coming together! Great photos, too. Jim Renfrew
